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RF Microneedling

RF and Fractional Micro-needling minimally invasive treatment to reduce the appearance of Wrinkles, Scarring, Acne Scarring and Sagging skin.

The addition of Radiofrequency energy to the Microneedling procedure helps to greatly stimulate the body’s natural collagen and healing processes revealing firmer, rejuvenated skin.

radiofrequentie microneelding rf behandeling
RF microneedling behandeling

Benefits of RF MicroNeedling

Micro-needling (also known as collagen induction therapy) is a minimally invasive treatment that has been used for decades to rejuvenate the skin. A device with fine needles or pins creates tiny punctures in the top layer of the skin, which triggers the body to create new collagen and elastin. Results can include improved texture and firmness, as well as skin resurfacing. RF micro-needling adds the element of radiofrequency energy to the traditional micro-needling procedure. The RF energy is delivered via small needles into the dermis.

In addition to the benefits seen with the micro-injury provided by the traditional microneedles, RF micro-needling also delivers RF energy deep into the dermis further enhancing skin tightening and scar reduction.

Microneedling and Radio Frequency is used to reduce and improve wrinkles, stretch marks, acne scars and generally improve the tone and texture on the skin. Results can include smoother, tighter, more radiant skin. Radio frequency has long been used and is a proven technology. Radio frequency helps stimulate the body’s own natural healing processes and stimulates collagen fibers.
Microneedling and Radio Frequency give you beautiful, smoother, healthier, younger looking skin.


What does RF-microneeling treat?

The most impotent component of the rf microneedling is its ability to delivery radiofrequency energy to predetermined depths of the skin, in particular, the dermis. Unlike other RF devices, rf microneedling does not treat from the surface of the skin to try and effect the dermis. With the micro needling technology, we deliver RF heat energy to the second layer of the skin, without going through the top layer of the skin, the epidermis. This spares the top layer of the skin, which increases patient safety during the procedure, eliminates the risk of burn, and allows the physician to treat ALL skin types. This is particularly important for darker skin types such as Asian, Hispanic, and African American skin, which can easily experience darkening (hyperpigmentation) after traditional procedures.
Furthermore, the rf microneedling has a high degree of safety on tanned skin – a skin type that traditionally is difficult to treat with many laser and light technologies.

RF microneelding combined with other treatments

before and after photo's rf microneedling

Does RF Microneedling hurt?

The procedure is relatively comfortable.

Will anesthesia be used?

Yes, sometimes.  If needed, we can use a topical anesthetic before your treatment.

How many sessions of RF Microneedling do I need?

We recommend 3-5 sessions done at one month intervals.

Is there down time with RF Microneedling?

Downtime is minimal. You may return to your normal routine post treatment.  A mild sunburn feeling is common. After treatment the skin may look a little flushed for a short period of time. You must avoid the sun and wear a stand alone 30 SPF sunblock at all times. There is a relatively easy recovery and low risk associated with this procedure. We always encourage you to plan accordingly as some clients experience a greater reaction.

s RF Microneedling safe?

Yes, RF Microneedling is a safe and proven technology to deliver radio frequency during a needling procedure.

What are the side effects and risk factors of RF Microneedling?

Swelling, blistering, infection, unwanted pigmentation changes and scarring are rare side effects. Existing viral infections such as shingles and herpes may be activated by the treatment.

How long do the results last from RF Microneedling?

The longevity of your results depend on you. Results will last longer if you maintain proper skin care which includes sunblock every day!
