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Botox treatments from Doctor Frodo

Botox gives your muscles a rest, and those relaxed muscles allow us to address issues like wrinkles, migraines, excessive sweating, and teeth grinding. Botox is made from a substance called botulinum toxin, which immediately blocks the impulse transmission between the nerves and muscles. It prevents the muscles from tightening completely, causing them to relax.

Wrinkle treatment with Botox is incredibly effective and smoothes deep wrinkles.

Contact us to schedule a free consultation. We will discuss how we can help you at that appointment.

Facts about Botox

  • Prep Consultation with the doctor
  • Anaesthesia Not necessary
  • Length of treatment Up to 30 minutes
  • Product Botox (botulinum toxin)
  • Safety Very safe
  • Results last 3 to 6 months

Botox treatment timeline side-effects and result


More than 5,000 injectable treatments a year at our clinic

When your appearance no longer truly reflects how you feel inside, Kliniek Dr Frodo may be able to help you feel more like yourself. We offer a wide range of treatments to help you get back to feeling your best again. At Kliniek Dr Frodo, you are guaranteed not just the most honest tailored advice and the best treatment, you can trust that the results will look perfectly natural.

  • Safe, painless treatments
  • Member of the NVCG
  • Average 9.4 rating
  • Natural look guaranteed
  • Clinic in Amsterdam
  • Experienced cosmetic specialists

The effects of Botox

Botulinum toxin blocks the nerve-to-muscle stimulus, reducing wrinkles.

Botulinum toxin is a protein produced by the Clostridium Botulinum toxin bacterium (BTX). The protein is injected into the muscle fibres in mimic muscles. These muscles are responsible for fine lines created by mimicry, things like frown lines and crow’s feet.

Compare Botox clinics  in the Netherlands

Compare Botox clinics in the Netherlands

During a consultation, we will discuss the areas you want to treat and why. We won’t just go over your treatment goals, we will also take a look at your skin. We will use our insights and your goals to decide on the best treatment approach. Curious about our pricing structure for Botox treatments? Our blog, ‘The cost of Botox’, will tell you more.

Botox treatment pricing

It is important to compare different clinics before choosing your Botox treatment provider. We recommend choosing the best quality, even if it means a higher price tag. You may well get an unnatural-looking result at lower-cost clinics. We recommend choosing a clinic that is affiliated with the NVCG, even if another clinic is offering great deals.

Botox in 1 zone€ 220,-
Botox in 2 zones€ 350,-
Botox in 3 zones€ 440,-
Botox for excessive sweating€ 500,-
Botox for teeth grinding€ 350,-
Botox full face€ 600,-

Different prices

You also shouldn’t pay too much attention to the different prices you see for Botox treatments. Don’t necessarily go with the cheapest treatment. The most important thing is that the clinic will give you the best results.

Botulinum toxin (Botox) prices are calculated per unit. For example, Allergan, who manufactures Botox, sets their prices at €2.50 per unit. Some clinics use cheaper brands of botulinum toxin. Those brands often haven’t been on the market as long, which means the long-term results are unclear.

I’m so happy that I got my Botox treatment and I’ve seen SUCH a difference. I’m not so focussed on my frown lines anymore. Debbie

Treatment areas

Treatment areas

Hieronder ziet u welke gebieden we bij Kliniek Dokter Frodo behandelen met Botox.

  1. Forehead
  2. Frown lines
  3. Crow’s feet
  4. Jawline
  5. Chin
  6. Corner of mouth
  7. Neck
Before, during, and after our Botox treatment

Before, during, and after our Botox treatment

Before treatment

Before your treatment, you will have a consultation. We will make sure there aren’t any medical issues contraindicating the treatment. Then we will work with you to draw up a plan.

With Botox treatment, there is minimal risk of side effects or bruising. To further reduce that risk, make sure you:

  • Use Arnica 5 days before treatment. It will minimise possible side effects.
  • Stop taking nutritional supplements, vitamins & fish oil 5 days before treatment.
  • Do not drink alcohol 48 hours before treatment.
botox 100 eenheden behandeling cosmetisch

During treatment

During Botox treatment, the protein is applied into the muscle with a needle. The treatment itself takes just a few minutes and feels like tiny pinpricks. There is no anaesthesia needed. The entire visit takes just thirty minutes, including a full consultation.

After treatment

You shouldn’t lie down for the first two hours after treatment with botulinum toxin. You should also avoid exercising or massaging the area. We recommend actively using the treated muscles and contracting them regularly, by frowning, raising your eyebrows, and squeezing your eyes. Contracting the muscles can help extend your treatment results.

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The effects of treatment

After the treatment, the skin may be slightly red as a response to the injections. This usually disappears within an hour. The effect of the Botox treatment will start 48 hours after the injection. The results will be clearly visible after 10 to 14 days. Because new nerve endings grow to replace the nerves, you will regain the ability to contract the muscles. The effects of Botox lasts 3 to 6 months.

Treating the area regularly can extend the effects. The results of Botox treatment are never permanent.

Post-treatment tips

  • Contracting your muscles enhances the effects of Botox
  • Avoid make-up for the first 60 minutes after treatment
  • Don’t exercise on the day of treatment
  • Avoid touching the treated area for 24 hours
  • No alcohol for 6 hours after treatment
Using Botox to plump up lips

Using Botox to plump up lips

One major misconception is that Botox is used to plump up or enlarge lips, but that is actually done using fillers. However, you can use Botox to soften the corners of the mouth or improve a gummy smile.

Botox risks and side effects

Botox treatments have been used for more than 30 years with no problems. Still, some people fear the dangers. That is partly because botulinum toxin can be associated with botulism. Botulism poisoning develops when food is contaminated with the Clostridium Botulinum bacteria. It has nothing to do with the cosmetic treatment.

The known side effects of Botox include:

  • Redness or swelling that usually lasts 5 minutes
  • Bruising at the injection site. This is almost non-existent or usually disappears within 1-2 days.

Risks and side effects are seen as one of the downsides of Botox treatment. People are also sometimes concerned that the skin will become too tight. In our Amsterdam clinic, we make sure to apply only small amounts to the muscle, so it won’t affect the shape of your face.  You can also check our blogs to find more information about wrinkle removal or medical uses of Botox.

The treatment for my frown lines wasn’t bad at all. The results exceeded my expectations! I will definitely recommend the clinic to others. Dr Frodo’s power is to make you look radiant without anyone noticing you’ve had work done on your face. Patricia

About Kliniek Dr Frodo

Our clinic in Amsterdam is the leading clinic in the Netherlands specialising in injectables, including Botox. Doctor Frodo Gaymans has 15 years of experience and also educates and trains cosmetic doctors at the Allergan Medical Institute. He is affiliated as a cosmetic doctor with the Dutch Association for Cosmetic Medicine , the Dutch Association of Skin Therapists, and the Dutch Aesthetic Laser Association.

Afspraak maken voor een consult

Wilt u zich laten informeren over een Botoxbehandeling bij Kliniek Dokter Frodo?

U kunt een afspraak maken voor een consult door te bellen naar 020 421 1559, een mail te sturen naar of door ons contactformulier in te vullen.

Tijdens de eerste consultafspraak maakt u kennis met onze consulent ende behandelend arts. U krijgt meer te horen over de verschillende behandelmethodes en we bespreken uw wensen en verwachtingen. Naar aanleiding van deze afspraak stellen we een behandelplan op.

Het consult is vrijblijvend.

Kliniek Dokter Frodo is gecertificeerd door de Nederlandse Vereniging van Cosmetische Chirurgie.

Veelgestelde vragen over Botox

Wilt u zich laten informeren over een Botoxbehandeling bij Kliniek Dokter Frodo?

U kunt een afspraak maken voor een consult door te bellen naar 020 421 1559, een mail te sturen naar of door ons contactformulier in te vullen.

Tijdens de eerste consultafspraak maakt u kennis met onze consulent en de behandelend arts. U krijgt meer te horen over de verschillende behandelmethodes en we bespreken uw wensen en verwachtingen. Naar aanleiding van deze afspraak stellen we een behandelplan op.

Het consult is vrijblijvend.

Kliniek Dokter Frodo is gecertificeerd door de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Cosmetische Chirurgie.

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